Next-Generation Outstanding Doctoral Human Development Project through Co-creation in Different Fields

Kobe University Premium Program Application Guidelines (2023)

1. Objective
 We will provide support for overseas study as part of the Kobe University Premium Program to foster the next generation of outstanding doctoral students through co-creation in different fields. The objective of this program is to provide students the opportunity to study abroad where the student can improve qualifications as a researcher by conducting research related to doctoral dissertation as well as improving English proficiency, understanding different cultures, and deepening personal exchanges.

2. Support
 artial support for travel and living expenses for study abroad (as a general rule, for a period of 2 to 6 months) while enrolled in a doctoral course.
・Maximum amount of support: Up to 1 million yen (per person)
 The study abroad period may extend across school years, but the support expenses must be used during the relevant year.


3. Qualification requirements
 Students who meet conditions (1) and (2) below:
 (1) Students in the program for fostering the next generation of outstanding doctoral students through co-creation in different fields
 (2) Students recognized by their respective graduate school

4. Number of students
 First term: 18 students
 Second term: 18 students
*In case there are vacancies on the first term, additional number of students may be recruited on the second.. If you are rejected on the first term, you can try again on the second. If you are selected on the first term, you cannot apply on AY2023.

5. How to apply
 1)The application deadline: First term is 4:00 pm June 30, second term is 4:00 pm From November 1 to November 30,2023. *Some graduate schools may specify a different deadline.
 2)Submit the application which is posted on BEEF Venture according to the instructions specified by each graduate school


6. Selection method
 Selections will be made by each graduate school based on the applications, and the applicants will be notified of the selection results by email or other means.

7. Reporting obligations
 (i) Students must submit a report (in Japanese or English) within two weeks after returning to Japan. The report (any format is acceptable) must include the following items:
 1)Research title
 2)Research title
 3)Study abroad destination (name of host organization, name of host person in charge, relationship with host organization)
 5)Research achievements (performance evaluation for research plans)
 6)Research achievements (oral presentations during the study abroad period including presentations at the host organization, dissertations / books)
 7)Comments from the host organization
 (ii) After returning to Japan, students must report their research activities during their stay at a debriefing session on February. At the debriefing session, students will report their achievements and life during their study abroad experience, and provide a questions and answers session.
     (iii) Students must summarize their research achievements into an academic paper (peer-reviewed or not) and submit it within the study abroad period or up to 6 months after returning to Japan. Alternatively, they can create and submit a research report of the same level.

8. Contact information
 ・General information about this program
 Main office for Doctoral Student Support- TEL:078-803-5217
 Email address:crct-hakase[at] (※Please replace "[at]" with "@")
 ・For information on how to submit an application and the deadline, please contact each graduate school.